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Rundendetails für Runden ID '31147'
Axis Axis Team Punkte


Axis Allies Team Punkte


Nr. Name Kills/Tode Ratio
1 mitchelodes <3 viper 5  0 
2 Killsje oldschool 3  0 
3 AG.LOGITECH ' p!ko_ 2  0 
4 W1Ld' 1  0 
5 saggix 1  0 
Nr. Name Kills/Tode Ratio
1 Teemo 1  1 
2 whoody // 1  1 
Spieler die nicht die Runde beendet haben
Nr. Name Kills/Tode Ratio Nr. Name Kills/Tode Ratio
1 partypeople | wEEdoh 1  1 
2 [cream] if6was9 0  0 
3 SuperMAN? 0  1 
4 ghoziAz! 0  1 
5 SKULLIE... 0  2 
6 mdxx! 0  1 
7 Subotai' 0  1 
8 king of the dogs 0  1 
9 H keEvin 0  1 
10 trax the one of call 0  2 
11 $hifty 0  0 
12 l2p /// deimos 0  1 
13 illuusi0n aka qqqstn 0  0 
14 bgzr 0  0 
15 ZOMtechstepmusic^3</fonzi 0  1 
Runden Auszeichnung
Most Kills
mitchelodes <3 viper
Kills: 5
Most Deaths
Tode: 2
Runden Auswertung
gespielte Map
Gametype Search and Destroy
gespielt am 1901-12-13 21:45:52
Rundenzeit 422:15:16


Chatlog von dieser Runde

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray  Support Forums |  Ultrastats Version 0.3.12  Sponsors: CallOfDuty: World at War was made by Treyarch and published by Activision  
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